Here is how you can reach us

Friends from around the world, greetings you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and may the peace from God be with you. Since Mara Evangelical Church is one of the member church  of World Council of Churches, World Communion of Reformed Churches, Christian Conference of Asia, Myanmar Council of Churches and World Lutheran Federation, you might know some about who we are, but it is, we think, not enough to learn who we really are in detail. So, please plan to visit us. You will have new experience you never had before.

Maraland has a total area of 11,200 square miles (approximately). It is located in the northwestern site of the Union of Myanmar (Burma). It lies between 22 d N and 22 d and ½ N latitude and between 93 d E and 95 d E longitude (approximately). It  is in Chin State and bordered by Matu and Zotung in the east; Haka and Thangtlang in the north; Mizoram (India) and Bangladesh in the west and Khumi and Arakan State in the south. The Maraland falls under three different townships -Thantlang, Matupi and Paletwa.

So, this is the road you can come to us. Since Yangon International Airport is the gate way to us, please buy air-ticket from wherever you are, and fly to Yangon, Myanmar. Do not worry about what gonna happen at Yangon International Airport or who will come and pick you up. We have the very very good contact person who is located in Lorrain Theological College, established by MEC in Yangon. His name is Rev. Van Ding Lion. You can reach him through CONTACT menu from this website. He will help you and guide you where to stay and how to continue your trip to Maraland.

You can also visit to mission fields, and have fellowship with the fresh believers and our missionaries. If you know yourself that you are called to spread Good News to the unreached, you can also share the the Love of God to them too. We are working in seven different locations in the west part of Mynamar. Rev. Van Ding Lian will explain you more about Mision when you meet him. 

Dr. Sasa and his Friends from Abroad who visited to Maraland. This picture was taken at Prayer Mountain in Lialaipi Town where MEC Office is situated. (Photo credit to Dr. Sasa)